De Psychic Stimulator de Shiva wordt specifiek gebruikt om bijzondere
paranormale gaven te trainen. Helderziendheid, het krijgen van voorspellende
dromen/ visioenen, telepathie etc. worden o.a. genoemd. Met dit systeem
kunnen ook de zogenaamd Godhelmet ervaringen worden nagebootst.
Dit systeem gaat verder dan het 8 coil SHAKTI systeem. De SHIVA is
ook niet bedoeld voor gemoedsverbetering, maar echt bedoeld voor de
intense diepgaande spirituele ervaringen en het ontwikkelen van
bijzondere gaven. De hard en software zijn uitgebreider.
Het SHIVA systeem is wel eventueel af te bouwen naar een Shaktisysteem.
Ook dit systeem is uitvoerig in laboratoria getest en is absoluut veilig.
De techniek is gebaseerd op grondige jarenlange wetenschappelijke
onderzoeken. Duizenden mensen hebben het systeem al naar volle
tevredenheid gebruikt.
God Helmet" Technology
Legal: Templates for signals licensed by Dr. M.A. Persinger & Stan Koren
The phrase God Helmet was invented by
a journalist who wanted to make the article
they were writing about the work of
Dr. Michael A. Persinger more interesting by
giving the Koren Helmet (built by Stan Koren)
a more impressive name. Although a very
small percentage of Persinger & Koren's
subjects did have meetings with God,
most of the sessions resulted in other
experiences. These have included
out-of-body experiences, visions of an infinite '
Void", patterns of light, and a range of other
phenomena. Although the name God Helmet
is not really accurate (and that's why it's in quotes),
it's the only name many people have heard for this
kind of apparatus.
These pages will try to explain as much
as possible about this device. If you
order a Shiva system, you will receive
the software needed to do "God Helmet"
sessions, as well as the software to do
"Octopus" (The apparatus used to elicit
psychic perceptions in the laboratory)
sessions. The Koren Helmet is the most
important research tool in Neurotheology,
the science of understanding spirituality,
especially the brain's role in religious,
mystic and spiritual experiences.
Religious and spiritual beliefs are another
matter, of course.
This is the first time this type of device
has been available to the public, as
part of the Shiva Neural Stimulation

This is the "God Helmet" setup for Shiva Neural Stimulation.
It uses four USB sound devices (creating eight independent stereo
channels). Magnetic fields cycle between four coils on one or both
sides of your head. These fields change strength every few milliseconds,
so they are also magnetic signals. Another way to see it is that Shiva
conveys information to the brain using a magnetic carrier.

This makes it hard for the brain to tune out the signal or get used to it.
It also shifts the 'response area' from one place to another.
As one area responds, the surrounding ones become quieter.

The slower changes in the signals make
these two-phase sessions, that last 40
or 60 minutes overall.
Each phase is 20 or 30 minutes.
The first phase will use one signal
over one area, and the second phase
will apply another signal over another
The first phase will build up activity
slowly in one area, and the second
phase will recruit this activation,
shunting it into another. The result can
be a response from the brain that
ordinarily would be hard to achieve.
By directing the information to different
brain parts on each side of the brain,
a broad control over the effects is
possible, but the exact effects will
vary from one individual to another.
One signal gets positive responses
from one side of the brain, and another
signal gets positive effects from the
other side of the brain.
This is the most powerful mind
technology in the Shakti family
of Neural Technologies, and there
are possible side-effects for each session
design. These are described in the
software on the pages for each, along
with ways to stop them if they arise.


Present Geomagnetic Field State:

Shiva uses four USB-Powered Sound
Devices, and does not require any
external power supply
"I have a Shiva Neural Stimulation system and I’m very happy with it. After the first try (I used one of the God Helmet sessions) I was a little uncomfortable, but I also felt much happier and I felt a kind of flow (energy flow?) inside my body. This continued for a few days before it's intensity started to fade. The next time I tried, I didn’t have the uncomfortable feeling, but one of happiness and I would say a different look at things and the world.
Over the next months I used several other sessions and found that their effects differed from one another. Some of them were more effective for me than others. The best feeling* it gave me so far is the flow of happiness I mentioned before. It makes me more energetic, and I even started enjoying some tasks at work I had once hated. I also found that it improved communication with other people and made it also more enjoyable and productive. I've only gone through 20-30% of the sessions so far and I’m very exited about the many more positive surprises I'll get from the system."
*Modulated 40 hertz 'chirp' signal over both sides followed by amygdala over the left.
I have the Shiva "God Helmet" and have used it about 6 times now. I was interested in it for the right hippocampus stimulation and left amygdala stimulation. I have been been 'vibrating' while awake. Having more visions and 'seeing' peoples auras. My ... (friend)... has used it and has now seen someone's aura. People are starting to tell him very private things after only meeting him for a few minutes. ...
(I'm) still 'playing' with it. I'm keeping a journal of my experiences. So far I'm happy I got it."
Note that the Shiva System includes:
The original Shiva for Windows software (for psychic skills)
Software for "God Helmet" sessions
The Shakti software, including the Feelgood session and:
All sessions for the 2 and 4 coil Shakti systems, and -
The magnetic signals used for the (now discontinued) Shakti Helmet.